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inVize ID

Update Procedures for inVize ID Data Application

inVize ID is a fingerprint and background check application designed to capture fingerprint scans and collect demographic data, then submit that data to the relevant background check authority.

How inVize ID Works

This application can be used for applicant and criminal check applications. If you use inVize ID, it’s important that you keep your software up to date, which is why Biometric Information Management makes a point of offering all the necessary information to update it.

How to Install an inVize ID Software Update

These instructions apply to version 4.6 or later. You must be logged into a Windows user account with administrative rights in order to proceed.

Basic Instructions

  1. Launch inVize ID. It will check for an available software update as it starts up. If there is not one available or you cannot successfully connect to the updates website, inVize ID will load normally. If there is one available and you can successfully connect to the updates website, a prompt will pop up indicating the new version number that is available. Click YES to begin the download. Note that you can always manually check for software updates by clicking on the Help menu and choosing “Check for Updates” within inVize ID.
  2. After the download is complete, inVize ID will save the downloaded update file and close automatically. It will then launch the installer. You must follow the prompts through to completion. If a computer reboot is required, it will prompt you to do so.
  3. After the installation is complete, you can verify the new version was successfully installed by clicking on the Help menu and choosing “About inVize ID.” The version number will display in the pop-up window.


Some customers have customized or pre-programmed default values or settings in their transaction templates. If this is the case, when you create a new transaction for the first time after a software update and the default transaction template has changed, a prompt will appear allowing you to choose to use the new template or merge the existing template. To keep your customizations, choose the MERGE option.

Fingerprint Scanner Calibration

Sometimes, there are changes to the fingerprint scanner files after an inVize ID software update is installed, which may require the fingerprint scanner to be calibrated. To determine if this is necessary, open a new transaction of any type, click on Fingerprints on the left menu pane and click the Scan button. If a message appears indicating that you must calibrate the fingerprint scanner, follow the on-screen instructions to do so. This may take up to 5 minutes. If you receive no message, your fingerprint scanner does not require calibration.

To find out more about the software and equipment you can access through BIM, contact us today!
